A casino is a place where people gamble and play games of chance. These establishments are often combined with hotels, restaurants, and other entertainment venues. Many states have legalized casinos, and there are also international casinos in locations such as Monaco, Macau, and London.

Casinos are built with elaborate theme elements, lighted fountains, musical shows and shopping centers, but the bulk of their profits come from gambling. Slot machines, blackjack, baccarat, roulette, craps and keno are among the games that generate billions in profits for casinos every year. In addition to the games of chance, casinos offer a variety of other entertainment options including dining, retail shopping, and live entertainment such as concerts or comedy.

Despite the fancy amenities, most casino patrons are not wealthy. The typical casino gambler is a forty-six-year-old female with an above-average income from a household of two or more people. Casinos cater to this demographic by offering them perks such as free tickets to shows and discounted hotel rooms.

Some casinos have a specific location, such as the famous Bellagio in Las Vegas or the elegant spa town of Baden-Baden in Germany. Others are more of a destination for tourists, such as the Niagara Falls casino located in Canada. In many cases, casinos are a major economic driver in the cities and towns they serve. However, some studies have found that the negative impacts of compulsive gambling outweigh any economic gains from it. In these cases, the revenue generated by a casino does not offset the cost of treating problem gambling and lost productivity due to it.